maandag 23 april 2018

Starting to re-arrange!

The base of his layout is leftover from a former building project. In that I already had handlaid basswood ties with the idea tu use the parts of Right-O-Way to build high-quality trackwork that would look like the real thing.

ISo Icut the parts out of it and rearranged it to my needs.

The old layout:

As templates I used the ones from Fast Tracks (the #6):

After I tried a little I cut these two modules to pieces:

And rearranged them to the 4 x 2 ft base:

Hmmm.... maybe I'm not satisfied with the arrangment this way. So stay tuned!

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Starting to re-arrange!

The base of his layout is leftover from a former building project. In that I already had handlaid basswood ties with the idea tu use the par...