maandag 23 april 2018

Starting to re-arrange!

The base of his layout is leftover from a former building project. In that I already had handlaid basswood ties with the idea tu use the parts of Right-O-Way to build high-quality trackwork that would look like the real thing.

ISo Icut the parts out of it and rearranged it to my needs.

The old layout:

As templates I used the ones from Fast Tracks (the #6):

After I tried a little I cut these two modules to pieces:

And rearranged them to the 4 x 2 ft base:

Hmmm.... maybe I'm not satisfied with the arrangment this way. So stay tuned!

The layout

The visible part of this layout will only be 4 ft long and 2 ft deep. On both sides it will have a staging yard, one with slide plate and one without.

The track and turnouts will be laid with parts of Right O Way from California. This was owned by Lou Cross but he died end of 2015. Now it is under new ownership of Jay Criswell and he is doing a great job with this. You can find him at:


Hi all,

Let me introduce myself; Ronald, 53 and buidling models from my early youth on. Started with the H0 models of my dad and made my evolution in the hobby from that time on. In 1999 I started my first H0 exhiition layout Metusa Junction and at this point I still buid layouts that are use for shows.

As said, H0 is my "core' business but I also did 0N30 and some H0N30. At this point in my life I will make a jump to 0 scale normal gauge. While collecting some models in thew past years I find it is time to build me a new not to big exhibition layout in that scale.

So join me in my build!

Grtz, Ronald Halma, the Netherlands.

(Me in my 1959 Edsel Ranger, my other hobby in life!)

Starting to re-arrange!

The base of his layout is leftover from a former building project. In that I already had handlaid basswood ties with the idea tu use the par...